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Photography Business Cards

Photography Business Card 008

Photography Business Card 001

Photography Business Card 002

Photography Business Card 003

Photography Business Card 004

Photography Business Card 005

Photography Business Card 006

Photography Business Card 007

Photography Business Card 009

Photography Business Card 010
In today's competitive business environment, all businesses strive hard to remain on top of the mind of consumers. One way to introduce the business to potential clients is business cards. Businesses from almost all fields, including creative arts, need to have a business card to make a first impression on their prospective clients. As photographers have an artistic background, it could be generally expected that their business cards would be creative and stand out from the lot. Photographer business cards could come in various shapes, sizes and colors, and be a strong way to reflect their talent. A photography business card could help define the brand and skill set of the card owner. Here are some tips that need to be considered when designing photography business cards:
The basic goal of a photography business card remains to provide contact details.
While enough has been said and written about how photography business cards communicate the style of an artist, it should be remembered that the basic aim of a business card remains to provide the contact information of a person. Business cards call a potential client for an action by delivering the contact information in a simple manner. Therefore, contact information should be clearly marked and presented on the photography business card. All details, including your name, number, e-mail and website address should be provided on one side of the card. Some photography business cards make the mistake of providing additional contact information on the other side of the card. This may not prove to be of any use as many people do not flip to the card's other side.
A photography business card represents your visual style.
A photography business card should communicate the information about you in a simple yet stylish manner. This card can help set your brand image as it provides you a chance to represent your visual style. The chosen fonts, colors and shapes should all gel well together to create a branding that communicates your skills and style to the audience. The theme of your photography business card should highlight your portfolio and past work, and even capture your lifestyle and other preferences. The images used in your business card should result in a "wow" factor, which sets you apart from the competitors. It should also be remembered that all contact points should deliver a coherent brand message to position you effectively in the minds of potential clients.
Photos should be placed on the back of business cards after careful consideration.
As photographers are passionate about taking images, it is only natural that they may consider placing some photos on the back of their business cards. However, the decision to place photos on the back of your photography business card is subjective and should be made after a careful consideration. If you want to place a photo, choose one after a lot of thought as it would represent your work and may excite or put off potential clients. If you want to display the variety of your work, you may consider placing different images on your photography business card. As your work is likely to improve with experience, you may find that the placed image is not good enough to represent your work. As a result, you may have to spend more money on your photography business card.
Easy Guide to Photography Business Cards
Photography business cards top the best advertising solution for photographers. These small pieces of paper usually includes your name and contact number, and serves to let clients and prospects get in touch with you when they need to have a photography job done. Photography business cards are also considered a form of advertising, photographers can bring them anywhere so that they can easily give out their contact information. Like in any other business, handing out cards gives the highest chance to officially get hired for a job.
Where to Get Photography Business Cards
There are plenty of places where you can get photography business cards printed. In the traditional way, you will have to visit several printing shops to have a batch of cards printed. These days, you can use the World Wide Web to get your very own photography business cards.
The Internet is also a great place to secure discounts for your photography business cards. One of the best things if you order online is the vast number of templates that you can use. These templates will help you create photography business cards that are unique. Moreover, you can also help design your very own photography business card. You can use some of your very own photos to be printed as backdrop or part of your card. Photography business cards ordered online will also save you the hassle of visiting one printing shop to another.
Things to be included in Photography Business Cards
If it is the first time that you will be having your photography business cards printed, then you should consider the words to be printed. You should start with designing a logo for your business. Professional photography is a business that offers services. To encourage your prospects to hire your services, a logo will be one of your best options to let them know that you have a business going.
Try to keep the printed information as organized as possible. You will need to include your name, phone number, mobile number, website, email address, or a physical address of a shop if you have one.
Design your Photography Business Cards
While it may be cheaper to have a generic card, you will want to let your clients see how serious you are by designing your own photography business cards. Photography is considered an art so you can use your very own photos to be included into your card for added marketing value. This means you should create your own design by incorporating something that is uniquely yours. You can use different templates for your very own photography business cards. Most printing websites provides dozens of readymade templates which you can tweak or use.
You should also consider the size and shape of your photography business cards. These days you can get differently shaped cards that will suit your taste or the kind of art that you apply into your photos. You can also decide on the font, as well as how the fonts are printed. Some prefer simple fonts and printing styles while others may want their cards printed differently such as embossed letters. When choosing fonts for your photography business cards, it is best to get ones that are easy to read. As for the color, most experts in printing and design suggest that three color combinations is the best option to reduce the contrast among colors.
Getting Affordable Photography Business Cards
One of the best ways to save on your photography business cards is to order by bulk. Most printing stores or websites will provide huge discounts for bulk orders. Moreover, you can also work on your personal creativity by designing the cards yourself. Much of the payment that you will be spending for photography business cards is for design. You can significantly lower the amount when you decide to design the card yourself.
Our design services offer templates at a minimum cost to help you out with your design. You won't even need to be a professional designer in order to get quality looking photography business cards from us. The templates will allow you to upload and add any material you want printed.
You can also use professional designing software when you want to design your own photography business cards. You can easily upload the completed design through printing websites and wait for the printed cards to be delivered. Moreover, if ever you decide to have the photography business cards printed yourself, you may want to use a high quality printer and paper cutter.
Photography business cards are great for marketing and advertising purposes. This is one of the most cost effective ways to let people know about your photography services.
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